
Options Inspector is a tool with which you can list all the options in your database, view a certain one in detail, even its data is serialized, and alter exactly a certain part of option value. It is mainly designed for plugin developers and theme designers.

When I am debugging a plugin, I always want to konw, whether the options in this plugin are saved exactly or not. Usually, I add var_dump statement in my source code to print the options out. Everything looks good, but when I finished my job, it bothered me a lot to remove this debug statements. What annoyed me even more is that when I change my mind and changed the structure of the option, I must use additional statement to alter the option or directly use SQL in phpMyAdmin. Finally, I created this tool to assist the plugin development.


  • List all options order by option_id.
  • Search option through keyword.
  • View unsierialized value of options.
  • Modify option use PHP code.

Demo: (Click to see the full size.)

Download: Options Inspector v1.0.1

