WordPress 开发资源


WordPress phpDoc


WP 函数搜索引擎

超级棒的一个功能~ 看看下文的说明。

I want to quickly let everyone here know of a site that one of my good
friends, Andy Stratton (http://theandystratton.com), has setup
recently. The site is called WPLookup and can be found at
http://wplookup.com/. It provides a simple search box for quick
lookups of WordPress functions and template tags. If the appropriate
codex page exists for the function you are looking for it will
immediately redirect you there. If it does not exist you will be
directed to a documentation search on http://wordpress.org/search
which will contain a list of results for you.

To make it even better the site can also integrate into your browsers
search bar keeping you from ever having to actually navigate to the
WPLookup site to do the search.

I have taken his service one step further and integrated his service
into an IRC bot. The bot is sitting in #wordpress on freenode. To
use the bot type something in the form of .codex get_pages.

Now what are you waiting for? Check it out now at http://wplookup.com/.


Matt Martz



