How to create a blog with Hexo?

Creating a blog with Hexo requires a certain level of hands-on ability. This primarily refers to the need to type and execute commands in the command-line interface, and to respond appropriately when encountering errors. If you have a basic understanding of programming, it’s quite straightforward.

I’ll use the Mac operating system as an example because implementing this is simpler on Mac, as the command-line environment is relatively easier to use.

First, you need to install the NodeJS environment. Using the package manager Homebrew, type the following command in the command line:

brew install -g node

Next, we install the Hexo command-line interface:

npm install -g hexo-cli

After the installation is successful, you can start building your blog:

hexo init blog

The “blog” in the third part of the command above refers to the name of the directory. You can choose any name you like, such as using your domain name, like hexo init

Then, we install some dependency packages for the blog:

cd blog
npm install

Start the blog’s web service:

hexo serve

You will then see a prompt in the command-line interface saying http://localhost:4000. This means a web service has been started on your computer, and you can access it directly with your browser. You will see the homepage of your blog, which already has an article explaining how to create a new post using Hexo.